Is your child turning 3 in February, March or April? We have an unexpected vacancy due to a family relocation. Our preschool team have enjoyed creating the great reputation and quality programme that we present every day. Each day we have the same children and teachers in attendance which creates…
Read more…The 2023 staging of our Matariki Hokohoko was a huge success with $500 raised by our community to donate to local charity Kiwi Community Assistance. Our tamariki, kaiako and whānau created products both at home and as part of the curriculum to sell and then buy at our hokohoko stall. Kiwi …
Read more…Each year we have numerous seasonal activities in which we invite families to participate. Our tamariki exude such pride when their parents/guardians join us for art activities, music or something topical or cultural. Our most recent activities were spread over the week prior to Easter with lots of…
Read more…We are proud to present our new earlier start time (8.30am), reduction in minimum days (4) and reduced fees across almost all fee categories. The world has changed in the past 2 years and we have needed to change too. With more flexible enrolment options that still maintain our programme and…
Read more…We are pleased to announce the appointment of Ashwini Aluwihare as our Head Teacher
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